Course: 600616 (Academic) 1 credit
Two and Three Dimension Art is designed to extend the concepts introduced in Art I through additional studio experiences. This course stresses the development of artistic skills and knowledge, and the application to a student's own art work and self-expression. This course has been designed to link artists and exemplars of Art I with newly presented artists, art works, and the cultures that produced them for in-depth study. Emphasis is placed on drawing, printmaking, painting, design, and three-dimensional art. Students will be encouraged to use critical and aesthetic thinking skills in designing works of art and developing personal criteria for assessing them. Review of the Elements of Art and Principles of Design will enhance the production of expressive student art work. Teachers will assign drawing activities throughout the course for homework. Students may be required to purchase sketchbooks. Basic supplies for learning each technique will be supplied; however, the expense of more advanced materials, if desired, will be the responsibility of each student.
Prerequisites and other notes: Successful completion of one credit of Art I (or permission of the instructor) is a prerequisite. This course is a prerequisite to all other advanced art elective courses.