Course: 601719 (AP) 1 credit
This course enables students to prepare a portfolio for submission to the AP Studio Drawing Exam. AP Studio Art develops the personal commitment to visual expression through rigorous problem-solving and demonstration of material and concept mastery. Each of the portfolios asks the student to demonstrate a depth of investigation and process of discover through the concentration section (Section II). In the breadth section (Section III), the student is asked to demonstrate a serious grounding in visual principles and material techniques. The quality section (Section I) permits the student to select the works that best exhibit a synthesis of form, technique, and content. This course provides students with the means to construct a college-level visual art portfolio in accordance with MSDE learner outcomes and advanced placement Studio Art standards. Focus will include drawing, 2-D design, and 3-D design. Students are encouraged to submit for the College Board’s Advanced Placement Studio Art examination. Students should expect some financial responsibility for advanced art materials. AP Studio Drawing is designed to address a very broad interpretation of drawing issues and media. Students will explore light and shade, line quality, rendering of form, composition, surface manipulation, and illusion of depth as drawing issues that may be addressed through a variety of means, which could include painting, printmaking and mixed media. Abstract as well as observational works may also be explored to demonstrate drawing competency.
Prerequisites and other notes: Successful completion of one of the Honors Level Art Electives or recommendation of the art instructor is a prerequisite.
Course: 601819 (AP) 1 credit
This course enables students to prepare a portfolio for submission to the AP Studio 3D Design Exam. AP Studio Art develops the personal commitment to visual expression through rigorous problem-solving and demonstration of material and concept mastery. Each of the portfolios asks the student to demonstrate a depth of investigation and process of discovery through the concentration section (Section II). In the breadth section (Section III), the student is asked to demonstrate a serious grounding in visual principles and material techniques. The quality section (Section I) permits the student to select the works that best exhibit a synthesis of form, technique, and content. This course provides students with the means to construct a college-level visual art portfolio in accordance with MSDE learner outcomes and advanced placement Studio Art standards. Students are encouraged to submit for the College Board’s Advanced Placement Studio Art examination. Students should expect some financial responsibility for advanced art materials. AP Studio 3D Design is intended to address sculptural issues. Students will be asked to demonstrate mastery of 3-D design through any three dimensional approach/material. Students will explore design principles as they relate to the integration of depth and space as well as volume and surface. Prerequisites and other notes: Successful completion of one of the Honors Level Art Electives or recommendation of the art instructor is a prerequisite.
Course: 601919 (AP) 1 credit
This course enables students to prepare a portfolio for submission to the AP Studio 2D Design Exam AP Studio Art develops the personal commitment to visual expression through rigorous problem-solving and demonstration of material and concept mastery. Each of the portfolios asks the student to demonstrate a depth of investigation and process of discovery through the concentration section (Section II). In the breadth section (Section III), the student is asked to demonstrate a serious grounding in visual principles and material techniques. The quality section (Section I) permits the student to select the works that best exhibit a synthesis of form, technique, and content. This course provides students with the means to construct a college-level visual art portfolio in accordance with MSDE learner outcomes and advanced placement Studio Art standards. Students are encouraged to submit for the College Board’s Advanced Placement Studio Art examination. Students should expect some financial responsibility for advanced art materials.
AP Studio 2D Design is intended to address two-dimensional design issues. Students will make purposeful decisions about how to use the elements and principles of art in an integrative way. The visual elements (line, shape, color, value, texture, space), help guide artists in making decisions about how to organize elements on a picture plane in order to communicate content. This course will explore the principles of design (unity/variety, balance, emphasis, contrast, rhythm, repetition, proportion/scale, figure/ground relationships), articulated through the art elements in a representational or abstract way.
Prerequisites and other notes: Successful completion of one of the Honors Level Art Electives or recommendation of the art instructor is a prerequisit.